Susan Jane Matthews delivered a tremendously demanding program, which she not only technically mastered with “Bravour,” but shaped with the highest of musical sensitivity.
~ Trierer OrgelpunktGermany
Dr. Matthews’ compelling, eminently satisfying performances demonstrate her thorough command of technique, musicianship, and instrument.
The American Organist
Susan combines flawless technique with a secure sense of style.
~ Journal of the Anglican Association of Musicians
Without a doubt, Susan Jane Matthews is a proficient and technically - versatile organist.
A noteworthy performance rich in tonal diversity.
~ Pforzheimer ZeitungGermany
Dr. Matthews held her audience spellbound.
~ The Capital Newspaper,Annapolis, MD

A Great Host of Women Composers
I am delighted to share A Great Host of Women Composers database, with suggestions for sacred choral music and voluntaries by women for the three years of the Revised Common Lectionary, with additional sheets listing masses, evening canticles, responses, and Anglican chant. My heartfelt thanks to the terrific team of Great Host contributors: Carolyn Craig,